Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On Writing

Walk into the book story. You immediately see hundreds of books. And for a person that NEVER goes into a book store, It's quite overwhelming. So your intuition immediately tells you to go find an acosiate and ask for help to find the book you are told to read. So the middle age man leads me to the back of the story, where he believe its at but what do we find... nothing. So now he has to find another person to help look for this one book. So now we walk to the very front of the store to try to find a different person that is more familiar with the store. But that was hard to find. Know I had a women leading me on a wild goose chase threw the store. She took me to 2 different locations but we still couldn't find it.

After all this trouble finding the book I knew something had to be "up" with the book. Since I was unsure of the size or the style of writing I figured it was probably a harry potter sized book with "big" words i had no idea what they would mean.

So now after my brain has a hundred things going through it the sales people finally found the book. After quickly examining the book, the number of pages, the font, and vocabulary, I realized this book is achievable. So in a sigh of relief I tell them this is my book.

Now once I purchased this book I finally realized my AP English assignment has started. And weather I wanted to or not I had to sit down and read this book I had not a single idea what it would be about. In the beginning of reading the book it was all about his trouble in school. So I still didn't know what to think. Because based on the title, I thought to take it literally and thought the book would be about how to write. In those first few pages I should have known but not to assume anything. It was to early to make assumptions.

After only 15 pages I decided that the book hasn't made any dramatic impact. So I didn't read another page for 2 weeks. But after those 2 weeks I realized that there has to be a point of us to read the book. So I picked the book up and brought it to camp where I knew I would have down time.

Once I started reading and got into how this book will better me I couldn't put it down. I wanted to hear what he had to say about everything. Some things I was shocked about and somethings I was like" yea that is so right."

Stephen king was a great author to read because once the book starts it is full of impactable information. Which really makes it worth your while to read. There for I give this book 5 stars. Because of its originality and not just making another,"how to book". But make it relatable to the people reading the book.

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