Monday, August 15, 2011

Four from Heather

Stephen King’s childhood was very eventful with his older brother including him in all his ideas and experiments and other adventures. I can’t even imagine the thought of blowing out all the circuits in an apartment building let alone two of them. (I was quite impressed when reading this.) But I guess that’s what happens when you leave children to entertain them selves. But their mother had little choice the same as many single mothers. I think all those early years of adventuring helped him become a creative writer.

When I read the part about King’s alternative school newspaper I burst out laughing. What an idea to make a rude more personal school newspaper, and have course it sold like hot cakes. But like all good things it had to end. Every ending has a new beginning though, King got his beginning after getting in trouble with his newspaper, by getting a job as a writer in a local newspaper. Which gave him another stepping-stone to becoming a writer.

The way King described the skills of writing by using the layers in the toolbox gave me a better understanding of how to use all the skills I have acquired over the years together to create my own style of writing. Also the fact that I don’t have to have a spectacular vocabulary to be a writer is a relief to say the least. 

I was very surprised to hear that he had such a struggle to get to where he is today. King didn’t sleep and magically get to the top. He was really living on the edge, considering he had a family to support. Also finding out he had a drug and alcohol problem, was shocking to say the least. But thankfully he was able to get his life on track and keep writing fiction for all of us to enjoy. 

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