Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blog Post #4

"One more matter needs to be discussed, a matter that bears directly on that life-changer and one that I've touched on already, but indirectly. Now I'd like to face it head-on. It's a question that people ask in different ways--sometimes it comes out polite and sometimes it comes out rough, but it always amounts to the same: Do you do it for the money honey? The answer is no.
(King, Page 248)

This passage in "On Writing" especially stood out to me because not only was this novel about bettering one's writing skills, but also to encourage people to do what they love for that reason alone. King expresses his love for writing by taking us through his life story and indirectly explaining his ever lasting passion for the art. This book is as much of a guideline as it is proof of following what you love in life whether it be writing or any other profession, is capable of producing a happy, successful life; which is what i believe King's intention of showing us was all along.

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