Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On Writing: The Power of Telepathy

Mr. King has quite the imagination. One of his most creative ideas is the idea that, art-all art, depends upon telepathy. (Pg. 103) The power of Telepathy has always been seen as a myth, as a thing from a comic book. But he shows us otherwise.

He shares with the reader what's on his mind, the weather outside, the room he's in while writing the book. We aren't there with him, we're not even on the same point on the timeline, and yet we see what he sees. We know his thoughts and neither person spoke a word. It's all in our minds. And really, that's all telepathy is.

Mr. King focuses on the art of writing, because to him it holds the purest form of telepathy. However, you may disagree that unlike a painting, for example, we do not in fact see the same thing. That while on a painting we are all seeing the same thing, a description of a room can be interpreted in different ways. Well doesn't that hold true for the painting? While on the canvas there is one thing, in each individuals mind is a different perspective.

As crazy as this may sound, the more I think about it, the more I have to agree with Stephen. The details don't matter, what is important is the idea that people are able to communicate through telepathy, with help from art.

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