Thursday, August 25, 2011

How This Story Related To Me

When I am in school, in the middle of the year and toward the end I feel I have nothing left to say. I believe that you can only write so much in just one year. But in the book Stephen King has troubles also. He has trouble in his life with family, troubles trying to find people who really like his individuality, and troubles trying to get what he wants to say out.

In the end of the book it says that it took Stephen more then 2 years to write On Writing. With that said I truly believe some things just come more natural. For instance, in the beginning of the year your brain is still on summer. So, you have a lot of things running through it. But, as time goes on your imagination beginnings to slow down. But you just have to take a break and then eventually you HAVE to finish what you have started.

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