Tuesday, August 30, 2011
final blog
one last thought
Blog #4
Blog #3
Blog #2
MasyDazy #3
And Now, About Writing...
Monday, August 29, 2011
"The Prime Rule"
By reading you can learn from the good, as well as bad writing. Good writing can teach you techniques, your own personal style, narration and everything else that goes along with a good paper, or book. Bad writing is like, when someone tells you too watch and learn,and then you know exactly what NOT to do. Not only that but it can also be encouraging, you know you can do better.
Practice makes perfect, and that's why writing, a lot, is the other half of the prime rule. If you write a lot, eventually you will find your writing style and such, therefor improving your skills. Besides if you want to become a writer, writing is inevitable. So this shouldn't even be a problem.
So how much is enough? Well Stephen says that it varies, but suggests 1000 words of writing a day, and around eighty books a year, and he's a slow reader. And my guess is that eventually you'll be reading and writing more, not for studying or to improve, but because you begin to like it, it becomes a routine. If you follow his Prime Rule, you will advance your writing skills, because if you can't or won't do this, then you certainly won't excel as a writer. After all, the prime rule is the most important, so it must have the most impact.
A Writer's Toolbox
Level one of your toolbox contains all, of the "common tools," things such as vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary all depends on the writer; in books you can find anything from, "big" words to street language. It isn't necessary to use big words to have a great book, isn't that a sigh of relief? And although he does mention that good writing doesn't have to rely on excellent grammar before you can start twisting it, and making it your own.
Level two goes a little deeper into writing. It contains things such as your style of writing. Things such as paragraph formatting. I'm sure we all, or most, flipped to a random page in the book, before reading it, just to get an idea of what we were in for. I'm sure we do this for a most books. Paragraphs and vocabulary can say a lot about the book. For example, big paragraphs, and small font, usually suggest it may be a harder read.
And this pretty much completes the top half of your toolbox, what you decide to stock in your next couple of levels is up to you. And once your toolbox is filled, don't forget about your tools, use them as much as you can, and that way they'll actually help in improving your writing.
another blog from MasyDazy
a blog from MasyDazy
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Blog Post #4
On His Life
Blog #4
Blog #3
Blog #2
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Blog Post #3
Final Thoughts
Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of his generation and I am extremely happy that of all the writers out there, he is the one advising us on how to write. It became clear to me how passionate and naturally driven he is about writing as soon as I opened the cover. And if it wasn’t for the passion and dedication he has put into his work, he may not be recognized as he is today. Even when his life was rough, he continued to write with all his effort because he loved it so much. And if there’s a greater meaning to his story, it is that if you love to do something, no matter what it may be, sticking with it through thick and thin and never giving up will get you really far.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
How This Story Related To Me
In the end of the book it says that it took Stephen more then 2 years to write On Writing. With that said I truly believe some things just come more natural. For instance, in the beginning of the year your brain is still on summer. So, you have a lot of things running through it. But, as time goes on your imagination beginnings to slow down. But you just have to take a break and then eventually you HAVE to finish what you have started.
Why Dave?
With all Stephen's ups and down he always found a way to get better or find help. Help for Stephen was writing in my perspective. It wasn't his family or freinds that made him the man he is, but the fact that he had a way to express himself through creativity and lessons he lived.
I Agree
But Stephen King has some very good ideas about how to write the best essay you can. And these are the things tht stuck out to me...
1.) Shut the door. It is like turning the outside world to off. It makes you think about everything you need to, so you can come up with the best story.
2.) Find you special spot. If that is an office with a big wooden desk like Stephen king or just your room sitting in your bed.
3.) After you shut the door and find your spot just write. Let everything fall onto the page don't stop for any reason. Once you are on a roll keep going, even if you think the words don't fit or if it isn't germane to the topic. Keep going.
4.) Take a break and breath once you feel your first draft is done. And return with your mind ready to focus again.
5.) Take out and don't add. Never second guess your self. So once you read over your story go through and see what spelling or grammar errors you made and also see if you can take any adverbs out, like Stephen king always does.
Then you will have a good story.
Those are some of the things I thought will make me a better writer.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Blog #1
Blog Post #2
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Blog #3
From the time I started writing essays, teachers have always told me to have perfect grammar. From not starting a sentence with “And” or using the wrong words and punctuation. Stephen King says that it is completely okay to make grammatical “errors” and use fragments. What’s more important is style and vocabulary.
I’m really glad that a writer as famous as Stephen King says that writing that may not have perfect grammar is great as long as the writing is original and honest. Writing exactly what’s on your mind will make the writing sound better and flow simply because it is what the author is trying to convey, and not an extremely broken, monotonous excerpt from a thesaurus.
I think Stephen King is a better writer because he writes what he thinks and produces work that is written with only his message in mind. King shows us that the art of writing is not to be picked and picked away at until a spotless essay is produced, but rather that the blemishes are what make the writing art.
On Writing: The Power of Telepathy
He shares with the reader what's on his mind, the weather outside, the room he's in while writing the book. We aren't there with him, we're not even on the same point on the timeline, and yet we see what he sees. We know his thoughts and neither person spoke a word. It's all in our minds. And really, that's all telepathy is.
Mr. King focuses on the art of writing, because to him it holds the purest form of telepathy. However, you may disagree that unlike a painting, for example, we do not in fact see the same thing. That while on a painting we are all seeing the same thing, a description of a room can be interpreted in different ways. Well doesn't that hold true for the painting? While on the canvas there is one thing, in each individuals mind is a different perspective.
As crazy as this may sound, the more I think about it, the more I have to agree with Stephen. The details don't matter, what is important is the idea that people are able to communicate through telepathy, with help from art.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
2nd blog
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Ashley's blogs
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
First blog
As I picked up the book On Writing by Stephen King, I was very hesitant to open it in fear that I wouldn't like it and would have to force myself to read a book that appeared to me very very boring. But that was actually the complete opposite and found myself enjoying the book. His mild sense of humor catches the readers’ attrition and also makes it fun and easier to read. I enjoyed his casual and informative tone that he creates. He really knows how to catch the readers attention and it almost seems like he know the reader, and most anyone can connect with him in some sort of level. For a person like me that doesn't really like to read I sure wanted to keep reading the book.
#2 Stephen's Struggles
As King continues the journey through his life, it becomes obvious that he has experienced his fair share of struggles and challenges. From growing up with a single mother to working to support his family, or alcoholism and drug addiction, the list goes on and on. And yet while all of these things combined would most likely lead the average man to insanity, King is still able to joke about some of the lowest points in his life.
“A year or so before, observing the rapidity with which huge bottles of Listerine were disappearing from the bathroom, Tabby asked me if I drank the stuff. I responded with a self-righteous hauteur that I most certainly did not. Nor did I. I drank the Scope instead. It was tastier, had that hint of mint(97).”
This was the first time in the book that I actually laughed out loud. King’s ability to make a reader laugh about such a tragic and devastating subject is proof of how talented he is as a writer and storyteller.
"Language does not always have to wear a tie and lace-up shoes."
"Fear is at the root of most bad writing."
Fourth Blog - It All Comes to an End
Third Blog - Things That Stand Out
Second Blog- Life's Hard
While I was reading I realized that Stephen king stories kept being denied, but he continued to keep trying and not give up. Each time he got denied, it really actually helped him, because it gave him a better understanding of his writing skills. Such as when he was the editor of the school newspaper called The Drum, he got tired of putting captions to photos, so he decided that he would make his own newspaper that was only four pages called The Village Vomit. The Village Vomit wasn’t exactly a honest news filled newspaper, it was more of a practical joke. In one article he wrote about a teacher’s jersey cow winning a farting contest at the local fair. All of his friends and high school classmates thought his newspaper was hilarious until Ms. Margitan walked up behind some fellow students and saw the article for herself. Stephen was then sent to the principles office for his second time for upsetting his teacher about what he had written. Even though he got in trouble, it never stopped him from doing the one thing he loved, and that was writing.
ali blog 4: over all summary.
Although this book never struck me to think that it would be teaching me how to write, it somehow did. This book talked a lot about Stephen King’s experiences & those experiences leave a lasting affect in our minds, so that we won’t forget those experiences he went through. It’s almost like advertising, because the advertising technique sticks with us, so that when we are writing in class we will think of the scenes in this book & they will help us write. Though I thought this book was only urging me to write, somewhere between all the words & pages, it gave me a better understanding of how to write.
ali blog 3: new outlook on life.
Stephen King was so committed to his writing that even though he went through some serious struggles in life, for example the car accident, he still continued to write. He was in fear that he may have not been able to ever write again, & that he would never see his family again. Being in the helicopter & knowing that he was on the verge of dieing & it was out of his hands, scared him. It gave him another outlook on life, & made him very thankful for what he had. When he returned home some few weeks later, he went back to writing his book that he had set aside, wondering if he should ever continue it, & he decided that he’d finish it concluding that his ability to write & his family could have been taken away from him.
ali blog 2: life.
One subject that really caught my eye as I was reading was the part about people accusing King about the way he writes. I think it stood out to me, because we can all relate to that with life. I feel as if we all at one point care so much about other people’s thoughts & assumptions about us, that we aren’t ourselves & we change because we can’t handle the criticism. At some point in our lives, we all stop caring & just live our life. We mature & realize that we only have one life to live, & we need to live for ourselves, not to try & impress other people. King realized that about his writing at age 40, but he never gave up along the way of being shot down, criticized, & completely embarrassed.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
"Life is not a support-system for art, it's the other way around."
Something I really like about this book it that he wasn't at all trying to boss us around and telling us what to write and how to write, he was inspiring us to write and telling us about his writing experiences and how big of an influence writing is on his life.
So when he said (on page 101) "Life is not a support-system for art. It's the other way around.", the words really stood out to me because it's such a theme in this book. His whole life, art supported him. It encouraged and and inspired and most of all motivated him and helped push him through the tough times. Like when he got in the car accident, writing really helped him along the road to recovery. Writing helped him become himself again, it made him mentally stable again and made his life feel like it had before the accident. It served as a sort of therapy for him I think the main point he is trying to make in this book is that writing can really help you out in ways that you may not think that it could.
On Writing
After all this trouble finding the book I knew something had to be "up" with the book. Since I was unsure of the size or the style of writing I figured it was probably a harry potter sized book with "big" words i had no idea what they would mean.
So now after my brain has a hundred things going through it the sales people finally found the book. After quickly examining the book, the number of pages, the font, and vocabulary, I realized this book is achievable. So in a sigh of relief I tell them this is my book.
Now once I purchased this book I finally realized my AP English assignment has started. And weather I wanted to or not I had to sit down and read this book I had not a single idea what it would be about. In the beginning of reading the book it was all about his trouble in school. So I still didn't know what to think. Because based on the title, I thought to take it literally and thought the book would be about how to write. In those first few pages I should have known but not to assume anything. It was to early to make assumptions.
After only 15 pages I decided that the book hasn't made any dramatic impact. So I didn't read another page for 2 weeks. But after those 2 weeks I realized that there has to be a point of us to read the book. So I picked the book up and brought it to camp where I knew I would have down time.
Once I started reading and got into how this book will better me I couldn't put it down. I wanted to hear what he had to say about everything. Some things I was shocked about and somethings I was like" yea that is so right."
Stephen king was a great author to read because once the book starts it is full of impactable information. Which really makes it worth your while to read. There for I give this book 5 stars. Because of its originality and not just making another,"how to book". But make it relatable to the people reading the book.
Andrew's comments
Monday, August 15, 2011
On Writing
But I didn’t find it boring at all, to my surprise I actually really liked it. You know it’s a good book if you read a good 75 pages without even a single glance at the page number. I got really into the casual yet informative tone Stephen King would use in his writing, and the mild humor he used to get the reader’s attention. I also liked how he really knew the reader. He knew the things that would be interesting to us, and knew the things that would be boring to us. I liked how he emphasized the idea of “short and sweet”, and really demonstrated that in his writing.
On Writing: "A way back to Life"
He used humor where humor did not exist. He presented writing techniques in a way that taught the reader a thing or two, or at least me, but also managed to keep things interesting. At one point he made the book interactive, by giving the reader a writing challenge.
Overall, it was a good read. I really did enjoy it. His life story is defiantly fascinating. After all he says that, writing was "a way back to life,"(pg. 249) after a near death experience.
Four from Heather
Sunday, August 14, 2011
from Ally
Thursday, August 11, 2011
First Blog/ First Impression
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
In the Beginning... (There was an Introduction)
Monday, August 8, 2011
My First Entry
Instead of writing a "how to" book, King wrote an autobiography and lets the reader decide how his experiences shaped him as a writer. And while I still expected King to focus solely on his journey as a writer, he also included anecdotes and memories of seemingly unrelated events that, in the long run, shaped his literary style and him as a person. King melds his literary and life experiences to show the reader how he became a talented and renowned author.
First Blog Entry
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
On Writing- First Impressions
So, about the book. I started reading our first night on the camping trip (not on the car ride, because reading the car makes me sick, unfortunately...) It was dark out, the fire was burning low, and I had just eaten dinner... You know what, this is all irrelevant anyways. I'll cut to the chase (because reading a book is just oh so fun to read about....) I read the book, finished in five days, and got back home. All this time I didn't have internet, so I couldn't actually blog as I read, which I would have preferred to do. Now I'll just cut these blogs into sections. This blog will be about my general impression of the book. The next blogs will be about specific parts of the book, in chronological order (in the book, not in real life, because parts of the book skip around the timeline). Voila. A plan.
Okay, my impression of the book. Overall, very well done. Informative, but not telling you DO THIS OR YOU SHALL PERISH. There are some parts that tell you pretty much what you SHOULD do, but the author, Stephan King, says even he doesn't follow these rules (guidelines...) religiously. Also, the book was an interesting read. The author imbued the book with enough personality that it didn't feel like an instruction manual. This may be because about forty percent of the book is almost completely autobiographical, and much of the rest has small autobiographical snippets thrown in to give his advice some perspective. Perspective is always useful (unless you're in the Total Perspective Vortex. This is a Douglas Adams reference. If you don't get it you should definitely read his books. They're great. Okay, back from the tangent now.) He mentioned quite a few things that I realize I need to focus on, such as too much description. I will touch more on this in my 'details' blogs.
The organization of the book flows nicely as well, with the life of a writer leading up to the accumulated writing wisdom of the writer. Showing how different aspects of the writers life helped influence his writing and help him grow was a nice touch, instead of focusing on all the niggly little nuisances of grammar and such. I also love the use of humor to lighten the heavieness of the subject of writing and what to do and what not to do.
So, that was my impression of the book. The next blog I post will delve more into the book and mention more specific details and have a great deal more focus.
~Cafferty Frattarelli
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
On Writing: The Challenge!!
Matthew Erbst
English AP
The Final One! I did this mainly for fun and does not even really count as a blog, so enjoy.
On Writing: The Challenge!!
Ok, so partway through the book, Stephen King presents the reader with a writing challenge to make a short story about a women whose abusive husband had been sent to a prison. It continues that she had gotten home (by herself), and began smelling his hair-tonic while on the news, there was a story about a recent prison break where one convict was not recovered. At that moment, she began to hear his footfalls coming down the stairs. Now I know King wants us to write out the whole story, but I am just going to continue from when she hears his footfalls. Also, I am not going to switch the sexes because I have a pretty good shape of what I am going to write and it will not work as well with the antagonist as female. Oh yeah, Jane has a daughter named Nell who is at a sleepover at another house.
Jane wanted to move, to jump up and run, to scream, to get away, but she could not. Every footfall echoed in her mind, an eerie and terrifying sound akin to the single call of a crow reveling in a fresh slaughter.
Oh God Oh God. He was out of my life. I was happy again. I could live again. Why did he have to come back? Why...Why does he hate me so much? Why didn't he just run away, escape somewhere so I never would have to think about that monster again, so I would never have to think of the man...the thing that hurt me, that hurt Nell. Oh God he is going to kill me, kill me for calling the cops, sending him to jail.
The footfalls continued. Jane was frozen in fear, a single bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. The footfalls paused for a second. Silence. A harsh, smothering, velvet silence that filled the air, louder than a gunshot. The TV still flashed in front of Jane, completely forgotten. Then there was a muffled sound, the sound of a boot coming down onto the soft carpet of the hallway. Then another. And another.
One more She thought, one more and he will be in the doorway. Shaking in fear, Jane reached up and turned on the lamp above her. With a brilliant flash, it illuminated the room for merely a second, a second before the light went out, before all the electricity in the house failed, right as the final step fell and a shadow that was unmistakeably Dick was seen.
Jane was no longer frozen, some animal instinct buried in the depths of her brain, something harking back to the dawn of humanity, was sparked by that all to familiar shape and she ran, ran like primordial man had run before. She dashed across the kitchen, seizing the back door handle in a fury. She tore at it with no satisfaction
Locked!! Dammit! DAMMIT!!
And yet, that same muffled sound continued, even and slow, but ever closer, each one a toll of bell in Jane's mind. She tried to scream, but no sound seemed to come. It felt as if she was a fish pulled out of water by a hungry predator, unable to breath, death looming over her. Thick, viscous tears began to roll down her face as she curled up at the doorway, all hope gone. Yet there was still I fire within her.
I will not die! Nell...she needs me...NELL!
Mind alive once again, she scanned the kitchen. It was as if her entire body hummed with electricity, vital processes shooting into overdrive. A shaft of light trickled in from the street light, illuminating the room ever so slightly.
Knives? Pots? Damn! All out of reach!
But then cutting through the fear was a sharp, unmistakeable sound.
The teapot!
It was one of the old, cast iron things. Heavy and solid enough to shatter bone and nearly red hot. In one bound Jane reached the stove and snatched it by the handle. She turned, quickly pinwheeling one arm as she whipped the other one around, slingshotting the teapot towards the shadow that had just appeared in the doorway. It sailed through the air, rocketing towards its target. With a solid thump, it collided with the shape, creating a sound like meat being pulverized.
A trill of elation rocketed through Jane as she saw the shadow fall. She heard the sick sizzle of flesh, but there was no scream, no raw throated song of pain. She stood frozen for a moment staring at the inscrutable shape on the floor, but then it began to rise, coming slowly to its feet. Now Jane screamed, screamed like she had never screamed before. She ran past the shape to the front door.
She sprinted to the stairs, taking two at the time to the second floor. She stood frozen at the top until instinct took over and she dived through the nearest open door. What cruel irony. She was back in her marriage bedroom. The room she had shared with Dick nearly every night, the room that she had feared entering almost every night. Ever since Dick had been sent to jail, she had avoided this room, actually keeping it locked and sleeping in the guest room. It was too late to change her decision. She closed the door softly, fearing any sound may attract Dick. She then locked and went to the window.
Locked, but I could break it! She disregarded the thought. While she was only one story up, her house overlooked an embankment. It was dry and the drop would surely break her legs, if not killing her, and she would be just as vulnerable. “JANE.....”
That simple echo struck an old fear, it was the same singsong voice he would use when he was looking for her, and an old reflex took over and she hid in the closet... the same one she would use to hide in when Dick thirsted for violence.
I'm going to die! The tears had reached torrential levels. Yet what was funny, so sadistically funny that Jane nearly laughed, was that she had this exact nightmare every night. While she may have been out of his life, he had not been out of hers. She had not been free of his influence. She had not yet truly lived.
The steps grew ever closer. “Hahahahaha”A ghastly, maniacal laugh filled the air. The door, the door she had locked, opened without a turn of a handle. Another velvet silence filled the air. Then the footsteps approached the closet. As the shape approached the door, the rank smell of Dick's hair tonic filled Jane's nose and a veritable tidal wave of anger washed over her.
Just as the handle began to turn, Jane kicked the door as hard as she could. The force was enough to knock the shape down and she leaped. She tore like a ferocious animal, some creature that man had long distanced itself from. As the form began to rise, she reached out for something, anything. (Dick's Tie) In one quick move she rapped it around the figures neck from behind. She pulled as hard as she could, years of repressed anger boiling over in one marvelous moment. While the other actions had been out of fear or anger, this was pure vengeance. She relished in the gurgle of a body desperately trying to get air, a feeling she had felt so many times. And then she pulled harder then ever before, harder than she thought she could. There was the sharp crack of the windpipe breaking...and then all was quite, the shape limp before her.
In a daze, Jane staggered downstairs, settling into the chair that she had been in only minutes before. She breathed a long sigh. And then began to cry. They were tears of sadness, the sadness of taking a life, especially one of a man she had once loved. But then a laugh built in her throat, for she was free, finally free.
At that moment, the TV and all the lights snapped back. “An update on our top story, the final escaped convict has been captured and returned to Alimino State Prison, the prisoner was found hiding in...”
Jane staggered to a standing position and glanced into the kitchen. The teapot was still on the stove, not even boiling yet. She entered the kitchen and grabbed a knife, preparing for what she might find upstairs. She went up the stairs, barely noticing that she was doing so. She looked towards the door.
I don't remember closing it.
She stood in front of the door, knife in one hand, knob in the other. She took a deep breath and went to open the door.
Growing more confused, Jane searched the house for the key to the bedroom. Once finding it, she stood in front of the door again and slowly turned the handle of the newly unlocked door and saw...nothing. The room was empty, everything covered in a thick layer of undisturbed dust. The closest was closed, also undisturbed. Then Jane truly laughed, laughed from head to toe, a laugh that filled her up as she left the room. However, as she was beginning to close the door and lock it, she decided to leave it open.
We could use an extra room.
I know its not literary gold or silver, or even bronze for that matter. I know I had to shoehorn in some background information because I did not write out the whole story. I know that there are some adverbs I couldn't bear to kill. If this were a competition, this story would get the crummy little participation ribbon for coming in last place. Although, in the short time I took to write it, I enjoyed myself, and I think that is good enough.
On Writing: Miscellaneous Topics
Matthew Erbst
English AP
It said a minimum of four!
On Writing: Miscellaneous Topics
These are just a things that interested me throughout the book. They are not enough to do a whole blog about like the other subjects, but they warrant some attention.
Adverbs: Stephen King hates, hates, HATES adverbs. He even declares that the “road to hell is paved with adverbs.” (125) and that he will “shout it [this hate] from the rooftops.” (125). His main reason for this hate is that adverbs, at least to him, weaken a sentence or are completely redundant. While I believe he may be a bit too strong on this topic, I share his feelings. Adverbs often drastically weaken a sentence by hugely limiting the need for proper storytelling and glaringly disconnecting the reader from what they are zestfully reading. A good example is the previous sentence that I peppered with the hateful grammatical form. (Zestfully almost made me ill)
Passive Voice: King believes that it removes energy from the story and sounds too businesslike for fiction. I agree completely, although I must admit that I succumb to it often.
Plot: Simply put, Stephen King does not believe in plot. His main basis for his belief is that our mortal lives are largely plotless. While writing a story, I do think characters should have a level of free reign to make them seem realistic, but without a general direction the story is going, there may come a situation where there can be no more progression, because many human lives end up like that. A good example is one that Stephen King himself talked about quite a bit, The Stand. As King said, he had reached a point where he simply couldn't continue the story until he came up with a very theatrical a plot-like solution, a bomb. While this may not be the same as having a preplanned plot from the beginning, it bears a semblance to plot. Yet if Stephen King's no plot method works for him most of the time, more power to him and those whom follow it, but I don't see it as a rule that must be followed. Ultimately, I think it should be a personal choice for the writer of what feels more comfortable and what works better when it comes to whether to use plot or not.
On Writing: What is On Writing
Matthew Erbst
English AP
Number 4!
On Writing: What is On Writing
On Writing is an informative, funny, fantastic book, yet as I reflect back upon On Writing, I am perplexed on what this book actually is. There are many things I could call it, but none of them would seem quite correct.
If one looks at the cover, they will see A Memoir Of The Craft. Yet On Writing is not a memoir, at least not completely. Yes, two-thirds of the book is autobiographical, recounting humorous and saddening tales from King's long career, but these tales do not seem to be the focus of the book, at least not in a direct sense. Therefore, it is not a memoir. Is it a guide on writing? No. While there are writing tips on how to develop a story and general writing advice, it is not a guide on writing because it only gives that, tips and advice, not an actual concrete format. King ends up leaving most of the choice in the hands of the reader.
Ultimately, I would say On Writing is a written conversation with King himself (This of course relates to King's theory that writing is telepathy). Most importantly though is that in this conversation, he is not telling you what to write, nor is he teaching you how to write. What King is doing is showing you how to become a writer and urging you to do so through his own personal stories. He does not put much weight in what you write, as long as you put your soul into it and enjoy it, hard work as it may be.